pigbubu 发表于 2015-5-12 00:24:33

讨论:美国接受PD-1治疗- Opdivo, Keytruda

本帖最后由 pigbubu 于 2015-5-13 02:03 编辑

正在查资料, 怎么去美国接受PD-1免疫疗法治疗非小细胞肺癌




1. Opdivo:

原理:人体单克隆抗体,阻止PD-1和PD-L1/PDL2的结合, 抗体结合PD-1引起癌细胞凋亡

针剂规格: 40mg/4mL ($1077) 和100mg/100 mL ($2691)


50kg- 每次150mg,一个月两次,每个月药费~$9700 美金,6万人民币。一年13万美金,78 万人民币
60kg- 每次180mg
70kg- 每次210mg
80kg- 每次240mg, 一个月两次,每个月药费~$13,000 美金,8万人民币。一年17万美金,105万人民币。


2. Keytruda

剂量: 现在批准的黑色素瘤用量是 2mg/kg, 每三周一次
正在进行临床试验的NSCLC,普遍使用剂量是200mg每次, 每三周一次
针剂零售价格是 ~$4300/100 mg,
如果按照200mg/三周, 每年的价格是15万美金。

1. 医院、医生、诊所的诊疗费,检查费用

CT 检查每两个月一次,可能要接近$1000美金,

2. 食宿,往返机票

pigbubu 发表于 2015-5-12 01:33:53


Opdivo (nivolumab) Side effects, Cost, Approval and Prescribing Information for Advanced Melanoma - See more at: http://www.rxeconsult.com/healthcare-articles/Opdivo-nivolumab-Side-effects-Cost-Approval-and-Prescribing-Information-for-Advanced-Melanoma--760/#sthash.C7vj6ZDI.dpuf

Brand Name: Opdivo
Generic Name: nivolumab

Medication Class: Humanized monoclonal antibody blocking the programmed human death receptor 1 (PD-1)
Similar Drugs: Keytruda (pembrolizumab)
Manufacturer: Bristol-Myers Squibb
Approval Date: December 2014

What is Opdivo and its mechanism of action?

Opdivo is a humanized monoclonal antibody that blocks the interaction between programmed death receptor 1 (PD-1) and its ligands (PD-L1 and PD-L2). If you suppose a receptor is a lock, the ligands are the corresponding keys to the lock. Likewise, the PD-1 is a lock and the ligands are the keys that fit right into PD-1. When the ligands interact with PD-1 it sends a signal to cells to go through programmed cell death. In other words, the cell commits suicide.

PD-1s present on immune cells called T cells. Normally T cells produce chemicals to attack any harmful substances in the body. However, when ligands interact with PD-1s on T cells the T cells shuts down and die. Many cancer cells express the ligands (PD-L1) and send it to T cells to preventan immune response to the cancer. Opdivo selectively binds to PD-1 and blocks the interaction between PD-1 and its ligands. Therefore it allows the T cells to survive and fight off the cancer.

What is Opdivo used for treating?

Opdivo is indicated for patients with metastatic squamous non-small cell lung cancer with progression on or after platinum-based chemotherapy.

It is also used for treating advanced stage melanoma (skin cancer) which:
•Cannot be removed with surgery (unresectable)
•Has spread to other parts of the body (metastasized)
•Have failed treatment with ipilmumab (another cancer treatment for melanoma)
•Showed positive for BRAF mutations (involved in abnormal cell growth)
•Have failed treatment with BRAF inhibitors

How effective is Opdivo treating melanoma?

The clinical trial was conducted in patients with metastatic melanoma who had progression of disease after treatment with ipilimumab, a BRAF inhibitor, or if BRAF gene mutation positive. Patients received Opdivo by intravenous infusion at 3mg/kg every 2 weeks or some other chemotherapy such as dacarbazine 1000mg/m2 every 3 weeks or the combination of carboplatin every 3 weeks plus paclitaxel 175mg/m2 every 3 weeks.

The efficacy of Opdivo was evaluated for the first 120 patients who had a minimum of 6 months follow up. Among the 120 patients treated with Opdivo, 32% responded; 4 were complete responders and 34 partial responders. Amongst 38 responders, 33 patients had on going response with duration ranging from 2.6+ to 10+ months. The FDA granted an accelerated approval to Opdivo for metastatic melanoma treatment based on tumor response rate and durability of response.

Interesting fact about Opdivo
•Opdivo is the second programmed death receptor-1 (PD-1) inhibitor approved by the FDA. Keytruda (pembrolizumab) was approved in September 2014. The interaction between PD-1 and its ligands suppresses the body’s immune system. By blocking the interaction between PD-1 and the ligands, Opdivo allows the immune system to attack and fight off the tumor.
•The FDA granted Opdivo an accelerated approval based on the clinical trial data to allow patients with serious or life-threatening conditions to receive earlier access to this promising drug. Additional clinical studies are being conducted by the company to prove safety and efficacy of Opdivo.
•Another clinical trial of Opdivo was successfully completed on January 13, 2015. The study included 234 patients with advance lung cancer called squamous cell non-small cell lung cancer and Opdivo was compared with docetaxel, another cancer treatment. It showed that patients who received Opdivo had superior overall survival rates. The study was concluded two years earlier than planned.

What are side effects of Opdivo?

The common adverse reactions reported in the clinical trials include skin rash (21%), cough (17%), upper respiratory tract infection (11%), hyperkalemia (increase in potassium level; 15%), hyponatremia (decrease in sodium level; 25%), ALT elevation (liver enzyme; 16%), and serum creatinine elevation (kidney function; 13%).

More serious adverse reactions include hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism (change in thyroid level; 2-8%), immune-mediated hepatitis (liver problems; 1.1%), immune-mediated gastrointestinal problems (such as pancreatitis or colitis; 1%), neuropathy (less than 1%), immune-mediated nephritis (renal dysfunction; 0.7%), and immune-mediated pneumonitis (lung problems; 2.2%).

What is the dosage of Opdivo?

Opdivo is supplied in either a 40 mg/4 mL single-use vial or a 100 mg/10 mL single-use vial. The recommended dose of Opdivo is 3 mg/kg by intravenous infusion over 60 minutes every 2 weeks until disease progression or unacceptable toxicity.

Opdivo should be stored under refrigeration at 2’C to 8’C and protected from light by storing in the original package until use.

What are Opdivo drug interactions?

There is no formal pharmacokinetic drug-drug interaction study for Opdivo.

What are warnings and precautions for Opdivo?

Since Opdivo is a medication that works on the immune system it can also cause the immune system to attack normal organs and tissues. Patients should contact the healthcare provider right way if symptoms of the following problems develop or get worse:
•Lung problems (pneumonitis): new or worsening cough, chest pain, and shortness of breath.
•Intestinal problems (colitis): diarrhea, blood in stools, severe stomach pain or tenderness.
•Liver problems (hepatitis): yellowing of skin, severe nausea or vomiting, pain on the right side of the stomach area, drowsiness, dark urine, bruise more easily, and feeling less hungry than usual.
•Kidney problems (nephritis): decrease in the amount of urine, blood in urine, swelling in ankles, loss of appetite.
•Hormone gland problems: unusual headache, extreme tiredness, weight gain or weight loss, changes in mood or behavior, dizziness or fainting, hair loss, feeling cold, and constipation.

Can pregnant women take Opdivo?

There are no adequate studies of Opdivo in pregnant women. Animal studies have shown spontaneous abortion and premature infant death when administered to monkeys twice weekly. Based on the mechanism of action and the animal studies, Opdivo can cause fatal harm when administered to a pregnant woman. It is recommended to use effective contraception for at least 5 months after the last dose of Opdivo treatment.

What is the cost of Opdivo?

The estimated retail price for 40 mg/4 mL vial is $1077 per vial, and 100 mg/10 mL vial is $2691 per vial. The manufacturer of Opdivo, Bristol-Myers Squibb, provides Patient Access Support to help patients medication cost.
- See more at: http://www.rxeconsult.com/healthcare-articles/Opdivo-nivolumab-Side-effects-Cost-Approval-and-Prescribing-Information-for-Advanced-Melanoma--760/#sthash.C7vj6ZDI.dpuf

pigbubu 发表于 2015-5-12 02:03:44











yuzhou05 发表于 2015-5-12 02:15:30

这个药在美国OFF LABEL使用是很难的。

pigbubu 发表于 2015-5-12 04:22:44

yuzhou05 发表于 2015-5-12 02:15
这个药在美国OFF LABEL使用是很难的。


heinz666 发表于 2015-5-12 08:41:06

42483554 发表于 2015-5-12 10:01:36


aierbushagn 发表于 2015-5-12 14:42:11


pigbubu 发表于 2015-5-13 02:04:28


剂量: 现在批准的黑色素瘤用量是 2mg/kg, 每三周一次
正在进行临床试验的NSCLC,普遍使用剂量是200mg每次, 每三周一次
针剂零售价格是 ~$4300/100 mg,
如果按照200mg/三周, 每年的价格是15万美金。

snoopy19831982 发表于 2015-5-13 16:44:39

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