darkeyeswf 发表于 2013-2-25 15:42:54

活着 发表于 2013-2-21 14:42 static/image/common/back.gif
NOVARX的L疫苗,所有试验均已结束,厂家正在统计分析中,我与SAN DIEGO加州大学的一个试验小组负责人DR。 ...


darkeyeswf 发表于 2013-2-25 15:45:50

研究人员在芝加哥进行的一项二期临床试 验结果显示:接受治疗性疫苗 (belagenpumatucel-L)治疗可以延长非 小细胞肺癌3 B / 4期患者的生存期。结果 在2012年3月31日—4月4日举行的美国癌症 研究协会年会上发布。“在这种新型的免疫 疗法下,一些病人出现了不寻常的长期存 活,”Lyudmila Bazhenova博士说。 Lyudmila Bazhenova博士是加州大学圣地 亚哥分校医学院摩尔癌症中心的临床副教 授。以上发现基于一项最新的对接受 belagenpumatucel-L治疗而长期生存的患 者的分析。belagenpumatucel-L是由四个 肺癌细胞株培育出的同种异系细胞疫苗。 这是一个标记可见的实验,样本量为75名 非小细胞肺癌患者。2名患者为2期,12名 为3A期,15 名为3B期,46名为非小细胞 肺癌4期。研究者将病人随机的分成3个剂 量组进行注射:1.25,2.5,或5乘以107倍单 位的细胞。所有的病人的中位生存期为14.5个月,5年 存活率为20%。3B到4期的患者中有四十个 患者分到第二、三组,他们的中位生存期 为15.9个月,1年存活率为61%,2年存活 率为41%,5年存活率为18%。3B到4期患 者,进行化疗之后中位生存期为44.4个 月;5年生存率达50%

phpinfo 发表于 2013-2-25 21:02:32

活着 发表于 2013-2-21 14:42 static/image/common/back.gif
NOVARX的L疫苗,所有试验均已结束,厂家正在统计分析中,我与SAN DIEGO加州大学的一个试验小组负责人DR。 ...


活着 发表于 2013-3-21 08:36:49

phpinfo 发表于 2013-2-25 21:02 static/image/common/back.gif




活着 发表于 2013-3-21 08:38:16


I saw my doctor at UCLA today to fill out my "end of study" paperwork and questionnaire.

He said he received 2 letters just today, 1 from the DMC and the other from Nova RX.

1: The DMC said that the study was stopped for "futility". It was not going to meet its primary endpoints no matter how long they ran the study.

2: Nova RX said there were "regional issues/variances" in the data. This was a worldwide study, and they found that in certain countries, people on Lucanix were not doing better than those on the placebo but in other regions and countries, which we assume to be the United States, people on Lucanix were doing better than those on placebo.

Because the DMC only looks at overall numbers of patients enrolled, they don't make the distinction for certain groups doing well and other groups not doing well. They stopped the study for futility based on statistics.

This could set up Lucanix to start a new Phase III study with different entrance criteria, perhaps just in the countries where Lucanix outperformed the placebo.

My doctor, who is involved in a lot of clinical trials, speculates that in certain countries, the standards are not as high and some doctors might have enrolled people who didn't meet the study entrance criteria. It was explained that at UCLA for instance, the pharmaceutical company (in this case NovaRX) pay UCLA a certain amount of $ per patient enrolled which covers the doctor, his assistants, lab tests and a small profit. In some countries, income from clinical trials could be a significant part of a doctor's/hospital's income which motivates them to enrol all the people they can in trials even if that person doesn't meet the entrance criteria. When this is done even by a few doctors, it invalidates the results from the trial on a worldwide basis. My doctor felt it very unlikely that people in the United States (for example) would have done better on Lucanix while people in country X or country Y didn't outperform the placebo. (hope this explanation is clear and makes sense ).

phpinfo 发表于 2013-3-21 10:01:16

活着 发表于 2013-3-21 08:36 static/image/common/back.gif

NovaRX的Lucanix疫苗三期临床因为“无益于治疗“而停止了,”无益于治疗“主要因 ...

虽然三期实验遇到了一些问题,但是毕竟在美国效果不错 对这个药是抱有很大的期盼。

darkeyeswf 发表于 2013-3-21 10:17:45


Mike 发表于 2013-3-29 06:49:27


seacat 发表于 2013-3-29 16:31:47

本帖最后由 seacat 于 2013-3-29 16:46 编辑

Mike 发表于 2013-3-29 06:49 static/image/common/back.gif
求助,请问唯美生(医生说是化疗的一种)对肺腺癌的效果如何?有没有这方面的数据啊?医生说,该种治疗方法 ...



Mike 发表于 2013-3-29 22:31:26

seacat 发表于 2013-3-29 16:31 static/image/common/back.gif
那不是化疗,是放射治疗,将放射性核素结合在肿瘤坏死抗体上,注射进身体,抗体与肿瘤坏死组织结合,结 ...

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